2023. Counterfactual expressions: An investigation into their structures and meanings.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Connecticut, Storrs.
Journal Articles:
Accepted with revisions. Japanese contrast sluicing and pair-list questions. (with Michael Yoshitaka Erlewine)
Linguistic Inquiry.
To appear. The structures and meanings of might-counterfactuals: a view from Japanese.
Linguistics and Philosophy.
2025. Argument ellipsis as topic deletion. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory.
2024. Strategies for Anderson conditionals:
their implications for the typology of O-marking and X-marking.
Semantics and Pragmatics 17(8).
In Progress:
With Eri Tanaka, Akitaka Yamada and Muyi Yang (Under review)
A formal semantics for Japanese counterfactuals. (In revision; based on Ch 2 of my dissertation)
Towards a more fine-grained theory of X-marking. (In prep.; based on Ch 4 of my dissertation)
Formulating inferential evidentials in a probabilistic causal model:
a case study of Japanese youda. (Manuscript; email me for a copy)
Proceedings Papers:
2024. A localist approach to the semantics and distribution of X-marking.
Amsterdam Colloquium 24.
(link) (lingbuzz)
2024. Problem-solving with Japanese 'beki'. (with Magdalena Kaufmann, Stefan Kaufmann and Muyi Yang) Sinn und Bedeutung 28.
2022. Past-as-Past in counterfactual desire reports:
a view from Japanese. (with Stefan Kaufmann)
SALT 32.
2021. Q-particles in embedded declaratives, mood, and clausal complementation.
SALT 31.
2019. Past-as-Past in Japanese counterfactuals. (with Stefan Kaufmann)
CLS 54.
2019. Toward a unified account of Japanese evidential youda:
a Causal Bayesian approach. (with Muyi Yang)
NELS 49.
2019. On the discourse dynamics of Exceptional what-Questions. (with Muyi Yang)